Two Legends of the West Virginia Food Industy

Two Legends of the West Virginia Food Industy

What happens when two legends in the West Virginia food manufacturing world meet up?

Magic…magic happens.

When Robin Hildebrand Hannigan agreed to join the team at New River Brands to help restore the product and brand she founded thirty years ago to its former glory, the team knew there was still one missing piece — the right manufacturing partner.

To anyone who knows West Virginia food brands and manufacturing, the choice was a no brainer. When Mark Oliverio, owner and operator of Oliverio Peppers, agreed to be the exclusive manufacturer of Blue Smoke Salsa, we knew that this dynamic duo would create something special.

Today, Mark and Robin worked side by side producing our latest batch of everyone’s favorite Appalachian snack food. They mixed and portioned and tasted and tweaked each kettle until the flavor profile was just right — and up to both of their high standards for quality.

This run of savory and sweet and spicy magic in a jar will be hitting store shelves in the next few days, and you’re definitely going to want to pick up a jar or five.

Also, if you’ve never experienced Oliverio’s Peppers product line, run…don’t walk… to your nearest store and experience their classic Italian recipes.

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